

Friendly technology

Premium leather


Know how

we accept all customers have different needs. The customers needs make the market trands.

We don't follow the trends, but also make the new trends. The making new trend means nobody can do like us.

We always develop our selves for satisfy customer's needs and global trend.



  • Raw Hide

    Raw hide is the most important material. The high quality leather is always from high quality raw hide.

    Pelle Milano always chose the best raw hide our selves and it make our stable quality.

  • Finishing

    We have whole process , after our finishing leather the raw hide become the premium leather of Pelle Milano.

  • Color

    As the best tannery of Italy we accept all our customer¡¯s needs. Our surface color treatment is for protecting from damage and making the most beautiful color in our chemical team. We only use the best chemical in Italy.